Welcome to WEEX API!
This is the official WEEX API document, and it will be continuously updated, please stay tuned for the latest updates.
You can switch to different API business in the top menu, and switch to different language by clicking the button in the top right.
On the right side of the document are examples for request parameters and response results.
Check Server Time
Rate limit rule: 20 request/2s
HTTP Request Check server time
- GET /api/spot/v1/public/time
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1622097118135,
"data": 1622097118134
Coin Basic Information
Rate limit rule: 20 request/2s
HTTP Request get all coins information on the platform
- GET /api/spot/v1/public/currencies
Response Field
Field | Description |
coinId | Currency ID |
coinName | Currency name |
transfer | Is it possible to transfer |
chains | |
> chain | Chain name |
> needTag | Is tag needed |
> withdrawAble | Withdrawable or not |
> rechargeAble | Is it possible to deposit |
> withdrawFee | Withdrawal fee |
> depositConfirm | Deposit no. of confirmation block |
> withdrawConfirm | Withdrawal no. of confirmation block |
> minDepositAmount | Minimum deposit Amount |
> minWithdrawAmount | Minimum withdrawal Amount |
> browserUrl | Blockchain browser url |
Get All Coin Pairs Information
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request get basic configuration information of all trading pairs
- GET /api/spot/v1/public/products
Response Field
Field | Description |
symbol | Coin pair |
baseCoin | Base coin |
quoteCoin | Quote coin |
minTradeAmount | Minimum trade size |
maxTradeAmount | Maximum trade size |
takerFeeRate | Taker fee rate |
makerFeeRate | Maker fee rate |
priceScale | Pricing scale |
quantityScale | Quantity scale |
status | Status |
Get Coin Pairs Information By Symbol
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
- GET /api/spot/v1/public/product
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Name of Currency pair |
Response Field
Field | Description |
symbol | Currency pair |
baseCoin | Base Currency |
quoteCoin | Quote Currency |
minTradeAmount | Minimum trade size |
maxTradeAmount | Maximum trade size |
takerFeeRate | Taker fee rate |
makerFeeRate | Maker fee rate |
priceScale | Pricing scale |
quantityScale | Quantity scale |
status | Status |
Spot Market Data Endpoints
Get Ticker By Symbol
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
- GET /api/spot/v1/market/ticker
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Currency pair |
Response Field
Field | Description |
symbol | Currency pair |
high24h | 24h highest price |
close | Latest transaction price |
low24h | 24h lowest price |
quoteVol | Quote Currency volume |
baseVol | Base Currency volume |
usdtVol | USDT volume |
ts | System timestamp |
Get The Latest Ticker For All Symbols
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request Get the latest ticker for all coin pairs
- GET /api/spot/v1/market/tickers
Response Field
Field | Description |
symbol | Currency pair |
high24h | 24h highest price |
close | Latest transaction price |
low24h | 24h lowest price |
ts | System timestamp |
baseVol | Base coin volume |
quoteVol | Quote coin volume |
usdtVol | USDT volume |
Recent Trades List
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
- GET /api/spot/v1/market/fills
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Currency pair |
limit | String | No | Default 100 |
Response Field
Field | Description |
symbol | Currency pair |
tradeId | trade id |
side | Trade direction |
fillPrice | Transaction price |
fillQuantity | Transaction quantity |
fillTime | Transaction time |
Kline/Candlestick Data
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
- GET /api/spot/v1/market/candles
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Currency pair |
period | String | Yes | Candlestick line time unit, granularity (refer to the following list for values) |
after | String | No | Time after |
before | String | No | Time before |
limit | String | No | Default 100 |
Description | granularity |
1min | 60 |
5min | 300 |
15min | 900 |
30min | 1800 |
1h | 3600 |
4h | 14400 |
12h | 43200 |
1d | 86400 |
7d | 604800 |
Response Field
Field | Description |
ts | System timestamp |
open | Opening price |
high | Highest price |
low | Lowest price |
close | Closing price |
baseVol | Base Currency volume |
quoteVol | Quote Currency volume |
usdtVol | USDT volume |
Order Book
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
- GET /api/spot/v1/market/depth
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Currency pair |
type | String | Yes | Default: step0: do not merge, value: step0, step1, step2, step3, step4, step5 |
limit | String | Yes | Default 500 |
Spot Account Endpoints
Get Assets
Rate limit rule: 10 request/1s
HTTP Request
- GET /api/spot/v1/account/assets
Response Field
Field | Description |
coinId | Currency id |
coinName | Currency name |
available | Available assets |
frozen | Frozen assets |
lock | Locked assets |
uTime | Updated time |
Get Bill Record
Rate limit rule: 10 request/1s
HTTP Request
- POST /api/spot/v1/account/bills
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
coinId | Integer | No | Currency ID |
groupType | String | No | Transaction group type |
bizType | String | No | Business type |
after | String | No | Send in billId, the data before this billId |
before | String | No | Send in billId, the data after this billId |
limit | Integer | No | default 100, Max. 500 |
"balance": "1",
Response Field
Field | Description |
cTime | Created time |
coinId | Currency Id |
coinName | Currency name |
groupType | Transaction group type |
bizType | Business type |
quantity | Quantity |
balance | Assets before action |
fees | Transaction fees |
billId | id |
Get Transfer Record
Rate limit rule: 10 request/1s
HTTP Request
- GET /api/spot/v1/account/transferRecords
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
coinId | Integer | No | Currency ID |
fromType | String | No | Account Type |
after | Long | No | after transfer balance |
before | Long | No | before transfer balance |
limit | Integer | No | default 100, Max. 500 |
Response Field
Field | Description |
coinName | Currency name |
status | Status |
toType | Transfer in account type |
toSymbol | Transfer to account Symbol |
fromType | Transfer out account type |
fromSymbol | Transfer in account Symbol |
amount | Number of transfers |
tradeTime | Transfer time |
Spot Trade Endpoints
New Order
Rate limit rule: 10 requests/1s
HTTP Request new order
- POST /api/spot/v1/trade/orders
Request Parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol:/products |
side | String | Yes | Trade Direction |
orderType | String | Yes | Trade Type limit/market |
force | String | Yes | Order Type |
price | String | No | Limit Order Price |
quantity | String | Yes | Amount |
clientOrderId | String | No | Client Order ID |
Response Field
Field | Description |
orderId | order id |
clientOrderId | client order id |
Place Multiple Orders
Rate limit rule: 5 requests/1s
HTTP Request Place Multiple Orders
- POST /api/spot/v1/trade/batch-orders
Request Parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol: /products |
orderList | List | Yes | List of Orders |
- orderList Field
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
side | String | Yes | Trade Direction |
orderType | String | Yes | Trade Type limit/market |
force | String | Yes | Order Type |
price | String | No | Limit Order Price |
quantity | String | Yes | Amoun |
clientOrderId | String | No | Client Order ID |
Cancel Order
Rate limit rule: 10 requests/1s
HTTP Request Cancel order
- POST /api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-order
Request Parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol :/products |
orderId | String | Yes | Order id array |
Cancel Multiple Orders
Rate limit rule: 10 request/1s
HTTP Request Cancel multiple orders
- POST /api/spot/v1/trade/cancel-batch-orders
Request Parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol:/products |
orderIds | String[] | Yes | Order id array |
Get Order details
Rate limit rule: 10 request/1s
HTTP Request get order details by order id or client order id
- POST /api/spot/v1/trade/orderInfo
Request Parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symnol:/products |
orderId | String | Yes | Order id |
clientOrderId | String | No | Custom order id |
Response Field
Field | Description |
accountId | account id |
symbol | Currency pair name |
orderId | Order id |
clientOrderId | Custom id |
price | price |
quantity | Order quantity |
orderType | Order type |
side | Order direction |
status | status |
fillPrice | Transaction price |
fillQuantity | Transaction quantity |
fillTotalAmount | Total transcation volume |
cTime | Created time |
Get Pending Orders
Rate limit rule: 10 request/1s
HTTP Request Get unfilled and partially filled uncancelled orders
- POST /api/spot/v1/trade/open-orders
Request Parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol:/products |
Response Field
Field | Description |
accountId | Account ID |
symbol | Currency pair |
orderId | order id |
clientOrderId | Custom id |
price | Order price |
quantity | Order quantity |
orderType | Order type |
side | Order direction |
status | status |
fillPrice | Transaction price |
fillQuantity | Transaction quantity |
fillTotalAmount | Total transcation volume |
cTime | Created time |
Get Traded Order Record
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request Get all filled and cancelled orders
- POST /api/spot/v1/trade/history
Request Parameter
参数名 | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol:/products |
after | String | No | use orderId, the data before this orderId desc |
before | String | No | use orderId, the data after this orderId asc |
limit | Integer | No | default 100, max. is 500 |
Response Field
Field | Description |
accountId | Account ID |
symbol | Currency pair |
orderId | Order id |
clientOrderId | Custom ID |
price | Order price |
quantity | Order quantity |
orderType | Order type |
side | Order direction |
status | Order status |
fillPrice | Transaction price |
fillQuantity | Transaction quantity |
fillTotalAmount | Total transcation volume |
cTime | Created time |
Get Transaction Details
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request get transaction detail history
- POST /api/spot/v1/trade/fills
Request Parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Symbol:/products |
orderId | String | No | Order ID |
after | String | No | use in orderId, the data before this orderId desc |
before | String | No | use in the orderId, the data after this orderId asc |
limit | Integer | No | default 100, max. 500 |
Response Field
Field | Description |
accountId | Account ID |
symbol | Currency pair |
orderId | Order id |
fillId | Transaction ID |
orderType | Order type |
side | Order direction |
fillPrice | Transaction price |
fillQuantity | Transaction quantity |
fillTotalAmount | Total transaction volume |
cTime | Creatied time |
feeCcy | Coin for transaction fee |
fees | Transaction fees |
Common Error Codes
Error Message | Error Code | http status code |
The request header “ACCESS_KEY” cannot be empty | 40001 | 400 |
The request header “ACCESS_SIGN” cannot be empty | 40002 | 400 |
The request header “ACCESS_TIMESTAMP” cannot be empty | 40003 | 400 |
Invalid ACCESS_TIMESTAMP | 40005 | 400 |
Invalid ACCESS_KEY | 40006 | 400 |
Invalid Content_Type,please use“application/json”format | 40007 | 400 |
Requested timestamp expired | 40008 | 400 |
api verification failed | 40009 | 400 |
Request is too frequent | 429 | 429 |
The request header “ACCESS_PASSPHRASE” cannot be empty | 40011 | 400 |
apikey/passphrase is incorrect | 40012 | 400 |
User has been frozen | 40013 | 400 |
Incorrect permissions | 40014 | 400 |
System error | 40015 | 400 |
The user must bind a mobile phone or Google authenticator | 40016 | 400 |
Parameter verification failed | 40017 | 400 |
Illegal IP request | 40018 | 400 |
Spot Error Codes
Error Message | Error Code | http status code |
Batch processing orders can only process up to 50 | 40912 | 400 |
OrderId or clientId must be passed one | 40913 | 400 |
The contract configuration does not exist, please check the parameters | 40102 | 400 |
Server upgrade, please try again later | 40200 | 400 |
Client_oid length is not greater than 40, and cannot be Martian characters | 40305 | 400 |
Wrong format | 40409 | 400 |
Only check the data of the last three months | 40704 | 400 |
Start time is greater than end time | 40707 | 400 |
Parameter is empty | 40724 | 400 |
Spot service return an error | 40725 | 400 |